
Job 1315

  Merge branch 'master' into fix_build_instrs
#744 (fix_build_instrs)
Merging into:c89761b7ef55823e5883bc0c3b0dd2b5291b05d4
  Get some files to build again
  emacs-mode: Fix error in detection of end of open declarations
Machine:oven2 4.15.0-34-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux

 Claimed job
 Building HOL
 Starting developers
 Finished developers                                               4s 134MB
 Starting developers/bin
 Finished developers/bin                                          12s   1GB
 Starting semantics/ffi
 Finished semantics/ffi                                           23s 296MB
 Starting semantics
 Finished semantics                                             4m56s   2GB
 Starting semantics/proofs
 Finished semantics/proofs                                      9m09s   1GB
 Starting semantics/alt_semantics
 Finished semantics/alt_semantics                                 37s 429MB
 Starting semantics/alt_semantics/proofs
 Finished semantics/alt_semantics/proofs                        8m37s   1GB
 Starting basis/pure
 Finished basis/pure                                            6m53s   1GB
 Starting translator
 Finished translator                                            5m13s   2GB
 Starting compiler/parsing
 Finished compiler/parsing                                      2m24s   2GB
 Starting characteristic
 Finished characteristic                                        8m49s   4GB
 Starting translator/monadic
 Finished translator/monadic                                    2m07s   1GB
 Starting basis
 Finished basis                                                35m40s  26GB
 Starting compiler/inference
 Finished compiler/inference                                    1m09s   2GB
 Starting compiler/backend/reg_alloc
 Finished compiler/backend/reg_alloc                            1m08s   2GB
 Starting compiler/backend/gc
 Finished compiler/backend/gc                                   3m44s   3GB
 Starting compiler/backend
 Finished compiler/backend                                      5m17s   4GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/asm
 Finished compiler/encoders/asm                                   22s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/x64
 Finished compiler/encoders/x64                                 1m01s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/arm7
 Finished compiler/encoders/arm7                                1m48s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/arm8
 Finished compiler/encoders/arm8                                  38s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/mips
 Finished compiler/encoders/mips                                1m14s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/riscv
 Finished compiler/encoders/riscv                               1m27s   1GB
 Starting compiler/encoders/ag32
 Finished compiler/encoders/ag32                                  18s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/x64
 Finished compiler/backend/x64                                    19s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/arm7
 Finished compiler/backend/arm7                                   20s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/arm8
 Finished compiler/backend/arm8                                   19s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/mips
 Finished compiler/backend/mips                                   19s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/riscv
 Finished compiler/backend/riscv                                  20s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/ag32
 Finished compiler/backend/ag32                                 1m08s   2GB
 Starting compiler/parsing/proofs
 Finished compiler/parsing/proofs                               2m13s   2GB
 Starting compiler/inference/proofs
 Finished compiler/inference/proofs                             2m18s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/semantics
 Finished compiler/backend/semantics                           26m52s   3GB
 Starting compiler/backend/reg_alloc/proofs
 Finished compiler/backend/reg_alloc/proofs                     3m20s   1GB
 Starting compiler/backend/proofs
 FAILED: compiler/backend/proofs
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/multiword[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/balanced_bst[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages/context-free[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages/regular[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/fun-op-sem/lprefix_lub[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/developers[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/misc/lem_lib_stub[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/misc[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/basis/pure[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/ffi[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/pattern_matching[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reachability[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/translator/monadic/monad_base[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/unverified/reg_alloc[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reg_alloc[0m
Scanning [1m$(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/common[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/asm[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/proofs[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/gc[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reachability/proofs[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/parsing[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/translator[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/characteristic[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/translator/monadic[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reg_alloc/proofs[0m
Scanning [1m$(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/semantics[0m
Starting work on reachable_sptProofTheory
Starting work on README.md
Starting work on bvi_tailrecProofTheory
Starting work on data_liveProofTheory
README.md                                                                                                                                           real:    0s  user:    0s     OK
Starting work on data_simpProofTheory
reachable_sptProofTheory                                                                                                                            real:   15s  user:   14s     OK
Starting work on data_spaceProofTheory
data_simpProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   18s  user:   17s     OK
Starting work on bvl_constProofTheory
data_spaceProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   37s  user:   35s     OK
Starting work on bvi_letProofTheory
data_liveProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   82s  user:   80s     OK
Starting work on bvi_to_dataProofTheory
bvl_constProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   63s  user:   62s     OK
Starting work on bvl_handleProofTheory
bvi_letProofTheory                                                                                                                                  real:   29s  user:   28s     OK
Starting work on clos_annotateProofTheory
bvl_handleProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   24s  user:   23s     OK
Starting work on bvl_inlineProofTheory
clos_annotateProofTheory                                                                                                                            real:   29s  user:   28s     OK
Starting work on clos_callProofTheory
bvl_inlineProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   43s  user:   41s     OK
Starting work on clos_fvsProofTheory
clos_fvsProofTheory                                                                                                                                 real:   22s  user:   21s     OK
Starting work on clos_knownPropsTheory
clos_knownPropsTheory                                                                                                                               real:   16s  user:   15s     OK
Starting work on clos_letopProofTheory
bvi_tailrecProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:  206s  user:  202s     OK
Starting work on bvl_to_bviProofTheory
clos_letopProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   25s  user:   23s     OK
Starting work on clos_ticksProofTheory
bvi_to_dataProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:  137s  user:  134s     OK
Starting work on clos_mtiProofTheory
clos_ticksProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   28s  user:   27s     OK
Starting work on clos_knownProofTheory
clos_mtiProofTheory                                                                                                                                 real:   42s  user:   39s     OK
Starting work on clos_numberProofTheory
clos_numberProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:   37s  user:   34s     OK
Starting work on bvl_jumpProofTheory
clos_callProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:  201s  user:  196s     OK
Starting work on word_simpProofTheory
bvl_jumpProofTheory                                                                                                                                 real:   16s  user:   15s     OK
Starting work on word_bignumProofTheory
word_simpProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   62s  user:   61s     OK
Starting work on word_gcFunctionsTheory
clos_knownProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:  151s  user:  147s     OK
Starting work on clos_to_bvlProofTheory
word_gcFunctionsTheory                                                                                                                              real:   39s  user:   38s     OK
Starting work on data_to_word_memoryProofTheory
bvl_to_bviProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:  214s  user:  210s     OK
Starting work on word_allocProofTheory
word_bignumProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:  257s  user:  252s     OK
Starting work on word_instProofTheory
word_instProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   61s  user:   59s     OK
Starting work on word_removeProofTheory
clos_to_bvlProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:  242s  user:  237s     OK
Starting work on word_depthProofTheory
word_removeProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:   33s  user:   31s     OK
Starting work on flat_patternProofTheory
word_depthProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   69s  user:   67s     OK
Starting work on flat_to_closProofTheory
flat_patternProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:   50s  user:   49s     OK
Starting work on lab_filterProofTheory
flat_to_closProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:   60s  user:   58s     OK
Starting work on stack_removeProofTheory
lab_filterProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:   62s  user:   60s     OK
Starting work on flat_elimProofTheory
flat_elimProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:   64s  user:   63s     OK
Starting work on source_to_flatProofTheory
source_to_flatProofTheory                                                                                                                           real:  104s  user:  101s     OK
Starting work on stack_allocProofTheory
word_allocProofTheory                                                                                                                               real:  570s  user:  564s     OK
Starting work on word_to_wordProofTheory
stack_removeProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:  249s  user:  246s     OK
Starting work on lab_to_targetProofTheory
word_to_wordProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:   66s  user:   64s     OK
Starting work on stack_namesProofTheory
stack_namesProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:   31s  user:   30s     OK
Starting work on stack_rawcallProofTheory
stack_rawcallProofTheory                                                                                                                            real:   66s  user:   64s     OK
Starting work on word_to_stackProofTheory
data_to_word_memoryProofTheory                                                                                                                      real:  750s  user:  738s     OK
Starting work on data_to_word_gcProofTheory
lab_to_targetProofTheory                                                                                                                            real:  230s  user:  227s     OK
Starting work on word_elimProofTheory
word_elimProofTheory                                                                                                                                real:  121s  user:  119s     OK
stack_allocProofTheory                                                                                                                              real:  425s  user:  418s     OK
data_to_word_gcProofTheory                                                                                                                          real:  235s  user:  232s     OK
Starting work on data_to_word_bignumProofTheory
data_to_word_bignumProofTheory                                                                                                                      real:  192s  user:  190s     OK
Starting work on data_to_word_assignProofTheory
data_to_word_assignProofTheory                                                                                                                      real: 1026s  user: 1012s     OK
Starting work on data_to_wordProofTheory
word_to_stackProofTheory                                                                                                                            real: 1573s  user: 1544s     OK
Starting work on stack_to_labProofTheory
data_to_wordProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:  210s  user:  205s     OK
stack_to_labProofTheory                                                                                                                             real:  268s  user:  264sFAIL<1>
     semantics t = semantics InitGlobals_location s))
 Failed to prove theorem full_make_init_semantics.
 Exception raised at Thm_cont.DISCH_THEN:
  (THEN1 on line 3285)
 error in quse /home/myreen/regression/cakeml-1315/compiler/backend/proofs/stack_to_labProofScript.sml : HOL_ERR {message = " (THEN1 on line 3285)", origin_function = "DISCH_THEN", origin_structure = "Thm_cont"}
 error in load /home/myreen/regression/cakeml-1315/compiler/backend/proofs/stack_to_labProofScript : HOL_ERR {message = " (THEN1 on line 3285)", origin_function = "DISCH_THEN", origin_structure = "Thm_cont"}
 Uncaught exception: HOL_ERR {message = " (THEN1 on line 3285)", origin_function = "DISCH_THEN", origin_structure = "Thm_cont"}