update for HOL changes
#1096 (update_hol)
Merging into:6b2039e9c365bca1bb05f521e2c6060d6a901bdb
Merge pull request #1094 from CakeML/tweak-root-dir
Add a cute problem to examples/misc
Claimed job
Reusing HOL
Starting developers
Finished developers 3s 138MB
Starting developers/bin
Finished developers/bin 19s 1GB
Starting compiler/proofs
FAILED: compiler/proofs
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/bag
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/sort
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/string
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/n-bit
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/res_quan/src
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/finite_maps
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages/context-free
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/balanced_bst
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/formal-languages/regular
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/transfer
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/pred_set/src/more_theories
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/coalgebras
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/fun-op-sem/lprefix_lub
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/hoare-triple
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/developers
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/misc
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/ffi
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/basis/pure
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/proofs
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/parsing
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/translator
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/characteristic
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/translator/monadic/monad_base
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/translator/monadic
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/basis
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/algorithms
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/ring/src
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/integer
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/multiword
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/pattern_matching
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/unverified/reg_alloc
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reg_alloc
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/algebra/base
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/algebra/construction
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/algebra
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/hol88
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/rational
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/real
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/floating-point
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/monad/more_monads
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/update
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/common
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/asm
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/ag32
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/ag32
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/lib
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/arm/model
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/decompiler
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/arm/step
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/arm7
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/arm7
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/arm8/model
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/arm8/step
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/arm8
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/arm8
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/mips/model
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/mips/step
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/mips
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/mips
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/riscv/model
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/riscv/step
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/riscv
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/riscv
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/x64/model
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/l3-machine-code/x64/step
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/x64
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/x64
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/algorithms/unification/triangular
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/src/transfer/examples
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/algorithms/unification/triangular/first-order
Scanning $(HOLDIR)/examples/algorithms/unification/triangular/first-order/compilation
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/inference
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/pancake
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/pancake/parser
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/gc
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reg_alloc/proofs
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/alt_semantics
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/alt_semantics/proofs
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/semantics
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/proofs
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/inference/proofs
Scanning $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/parsing/proofs
Scanned 89 directories
Starting work on miscTheory
Starting work on ag32Theory
ag32Theory compiler/encoders/ag32 (12s) OK
miscTheory misc (33s) OK
Starting work on cakeml-heap
Starting work on ffiTheory
Starting work on pattern_commonTheory
Starting work on parmoveTheory
cakeml-heap misc (28s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/misc [#theories: 1] (61.380s)
Starting work on fpValTreeTheory
ffiTheory semantics/ffi (13s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/ffi [#theories: 1] (13.620s)
Starting work on namespaceTheory
fpValTreeTheory semantics (1s) OK
Starting work on fpOptTheory
namespaceTheory semantics (2s) OK
Starting work on realOpsTheory
pattern_commonTheory compiler/backend/pattern_matching (15s) OK
Starting work on tokensTheory
realOpsTheory semantics (1s) OK
Starting work on mllistTheory
tokensTheory semantics (3s) OK
Starting work on gramTheory
mllistTheory basis/pure (2s) OK
Starting work on tokenUtilsTheory
fpOptTheory semantics (5s) OK
Starting work on fpSemTheory
fpSemTheory semantics (2s) OK
Starting work on astTheory
gramTheory semantics (7s) OK
Starting work on lexer_funTheory
parmoveTheory compiler/backend/reg_alloc (27s) OK
Starting work on mlstringTheory
tokenUtilsTheory semantics (9s) OK
Starting work on mloptionTheory
astTheory semantics (7s) OK
Starting work on semanticPrimitivesTheory
mloptionTheory basis/pure (2s) OK
Starting work on cmlPtreeConversionTheory
lexer_funTheory semantics (8s) OK
Starting work on mlmapTheory
mlmapTheory basis/pure (4s) OK
Starting work on mlvectorTheory
mlstringTheory basis/pure (12s) OK
Starting work on mlintTheory
mlvectorTheory basis/pure (5s) OK
Starting work on mlsetTheory
mlsetTheory basis/pure (2s) OK
Starting work on gramPropsTheory
mlintTheory basis/pure (7s) OK
Starting work on mlprettyprinterTheory
cmlPtreeConversionTheory semantics (19s) OK
Starting work on mlratTheory
mlratTheory basis/pure (4s) OK
Starting work on typeDecToPPTheory
mlprettyprinterTheory basis/pure (7s) OK
Starting work on namespacePropsTheory
typeDecToPPTheory basis/pure (2s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/basis/pure [#theories: 10] (52.640s)
Starting work on cmlPEGTheory
namespacePropsTheory semantics/proofs (6s) OK
Starting work on fromSexpTheory
gramPropsTheory semantics/proofs (14s) OK
Starting work on lexer_implTheory
semanticPrimitivesTheory semantics (33s) OK
Starting work on evaluateTheory
evaluateTheory semantics (6s) OK
Starting work on typeSystemTheory
typeSystemTheory semantics (13s) OK
Starting work on primTypesTheory
primTypesTheory semantics (3s) OK
Starting work on semanticsTheory
semanticsTheory semantics (5s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics [#theories: 16] (130.310s)
Starting work on astPropsTheory
astPropsTheory semantics/proofs (3s) OK
Starting work on fpOptPropsTheory
fpOptPropsTheory semantics/proofs (6s) OK
Starting work on fpSemPropsTheory
lexer_implTheory compiler/parsing (51s) OK
Starting work on semanticPrimitivesPropsTheory
cmlPEGTheory compiler/parsing (66s) OK
Starting work on typeSoundInvariantsTheory
typeSoundInvariantsTheory semantics/proofs (5s) OK
Starting work on cmlParseTheory
fromSexpTheory compiler/parsing (74s) OK
Starting work on cfFFITypeTheory
cmlParseTheory compiler/parsing (14s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/parsing [#theories: 4] (207.300s)
Starting work on ml_monadBaseTheory
cfFFITypeTheory characteristic (4s) OK
Starting work on MarshallingTheory
semanticPrimitivesPropsTheory semantics/proofs (35s) OK
Starting work on typeSysPropsTheory
MarshallingTheory basis (3s) OK
Starting work on pattern_semanticsTheory
ml_monadBaseTheory translator/monadic/monad_base (21s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/translator/monadic/monad_base [#theories: 1] (21.780s)
Starting work on reg_allocTheory
typeSysPropsTheory semantics/proofs (21s) OK
Starting work on primSemEnvTheory
pattern_semanticsTheory compiler/backend/pattern_matching (20s) OK
Starting work on weakeningTheory
weakeningTheory semantics/proofs (6s) OK
Starting work on pattern_compTheory
primSemEnvTheory semantics/proofs (9s) OK
Starting work on asmTheory
fpSemPropsTheory semantics/proofs (91s) OK
Starting work on evaluatePropsTheory
asmTheory compiler/encoders/asm (17s) OK
Starting work on asmSemTheory
pattern_compTheory compiler/backend/pattern_matching (21s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/pattern_matching [#theories: 3] (57.770s)
Starting work on backend_commonTheory
backend_commonTheory compiler/backend (3s) OK
Starting work on closLangTheory
reg_allocTheory compiler/backend/reg_alloc (41s) OK
Starting work on linear_scanTheory
closLangTheory compiler/backend (8s) OK
Starting work on bviTheory
bviTheory compiler/backend (3s) OK
Starting work on dataLangTheory
asmSemTheory compiler/encoders/asm (16s) OK
Starting work on asmPropsTheory
dataLangTheory compiler/backend (4s) OK
Starting work on data_liveTheory
data_liveTheory compiler/backend (7s) OK
Starting work on data_simpTheory
data_simpTheory compiler/backend (2s) OK
Starting work on data_spaceTheory
asmPropsTheory compiler/encoders/asm (22s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/encoders/asm [#theories: 3] (56.680s)
Starting work on bvi_letTheory
data_spaceTheory compiler/backend (8s) OK
Starting work on bvi_to_dataTheory
bvi_letTheory compiler/backend (4s) OK
Starting work on bvi_tailrecTheory
linear_scanTheory compiler/backend/reg_alloc (37s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/compiler/backend/reg_alloc [#theories: 3] (106.540s)
Starting work on bvlTheory
bvlTheory compiler/backend (3s) OK
Starting work on bvl_constTheory
evaluatePropsTheory semantics/proofs (80s) OK
Starting work on typeSoundTheory
bvi_to_dataTheory compiler/backend (28s) OK
Starting work on ml_progTheory
ml_progTheory translator (13s) OK
Starting work on ml_translatorTheory
bvi_tailrecTheory compiler/backend (42s) OK
Starting work on cfHeapsBaseTheory
cfHeapsBaseTheory characteristic (16s) OK
Starting work on clFFITheory
bvl_constTheory compiler/backend (60s) OK
Starting work on runtimeFFITheory
clFFITheory basis (6s) OK
Starting work on fsFFITheory
runtimeFFITheory basis (5s) OK
Starting work on db_varsTheory
db_varsTheory compiler/backend (2s) OK
Starting work on bvl_handleTheory
fsFFITheory basis (10s) OK
Starting work on fsFFIPropsTheory
ml_translatorTheory translator (55s) OK
Starting work on ml_optimiseTheory
bvl_handleTheory compiler/backend (27s) OK
Starting work on ml_pmatchTheory
ml_optimiseTheory translator (16s) OK
Starting work on bvl_inlineTheory
bvl_inlineTheory compiler/backend (7s) OK
Starting work on bvl_to_bviTheory
ml_pmatchTheory translator (13s) OK
Starting work on std_preludeTheory
fsFFIPropsTheory basis (48s) OK
Starting work on cfHeapsTheory
std_preludeTheory translator (14s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/translator [#theories: 5] (113.220s)
Starting work on bvl_jumpTheory
bvl_jumpTheory compiler/backend (2s) OK
Starting work on clos_annotateTheory
cfHeapsTheory characteristic (13s) OK
Starting work on cfStoreTheory
clos_annotateTheory compiler/backend (7s) OK
Starting work on clos_callTheory
clos_callTheory compiler/backend (7s) OK
Starting work on clos_fvsTheory
clos_fvsTheory compiler/backend (3s) OK
Starting work on clos_letopTheory
cfStoreTheory characteristic (16s) OK
Starting work on cfNormaliseTheory
clos_letopTheory compiler/backend (3s) OK
Starting work on clos_opTheory
bvl_to_bviTheory compiler/backend (51s) OK
Starting work on clos_ticksTheory
clos_ticksTheory compiler/backend (2s) OK
Starting work on clos_mtiTheory
clos_mtiTheory compiler/backend (5s) OK
Starting work on clos_numberTheory
cfNormaliseTheory characteristic (16s) OK
Starting work on cfAppTheory
clos_numberTheory compiler/backend (2s) OK
Starting work on stackLangTheory
typeSoundTheory semantics/proofs(164s) OK
Starting work on semanticsPropsTheory
stackLangTheory compiler/backend (6s) OK
Starting work on wordLangTheory
semanticsPropsTheory semantics/proofs (8s) OK
Finished $(CAKEMLDIR)/semantics/proofs [#theories: 13] (453.530s)
Starting work on clos_interpTheory
wordLangTheory compiler/backend (10s) OK
Starting work on word_bignumTheory
clos_opTheory compiler/backend (33s) OK
Starting work on clos_knownTheory
cfAppTheory characteristic (22s) OK
Starting work on cfTheory
clos_interpTheory compiler/backend (24s) OK
Starting work on word_depthTheory
word_depthTheory compiler/backend (4s) OK
Starting work on word_allocTheory
word_bignumTheory compiler/backend (29s) OK
Starting work on word_cseTheory
clos_knownTheory compiler/backend (31s) OK
Starting work on clos_to_bvlTheory
word_cseTheory compiler/backend (10s) OK
Starting work on word_instTheory
word_instTheory compiler/backend (27s) OK
Starting work on word_removeTheory
word_removeTheory compiler/backend (7s) OK
Starting work on word_simpTheory
cfTheory characteristic (90s) OK
Starting work on cfTacticsTheory
word_allocTheory compiler/backend (68s) OK
Starting work on xcfTheory
xcfTheory characteristic (5s) OK
Starting work on flatLangTheory
cfTacticsTheory characteristic (13s) OK
Starting work on cfDivTheory
flatLangTheory compiler/backend (8s) OK
Starting work on cfLetAutoTheory
clos_to_bvlTheory compiler/backend (78s) OK
Starting work on cfMainTheory
word_simpTheory compiler/backend (35s) OK
Starting work on word_to_wordTheory
cfDivTheory characteristic (14s)FAIL<1>
/scratch/cakeml/regression2/cakeml-2701/characteristic/cfTacticsLib.sml:429: error: Can't unify thm * 'a * 'b to thm * class (Different number of fields)
Found near
case DB.matchp (fn thm => ... ...) [] of
((thy, ...), (...)) :: _ =>
case spec_kind_for f (concl thm) of
SOME k => SOME (...) |
NONE => ... ...) |
_ => NONE
error in quse /scratch/cakeml/regression2/cakeml-2701/characteristic/cfTacticsLib.sml : Fail "Static Errors"
error in load $(CAKEMLDIR)/characteristic/cfTacticsLib : Fail "Static Errors"
error in load /scratch/cakeml/regression2/cakeml-2701/characteristic/cfDivScript : Fail "Static Errors"
Uncaught exception at ./basis/FinalPolyML.sml:492: Fail "Static Errors"
cfLetAutoTheory characteristic (13s)MKILLED
cfMainTheory characteristic (6s)MKILLED
word_to_wordTheory compiler/backend (0s)MKILLED